Features Intro To OO1 Comparison


001 Tool Suite (001): the first automation of the Development Before the Fact (DBTF) technology. 001 is an integrated planning, process modeling, system engineering and software development environment.

Analyzer: the component of the 001 Tool Suite that ensures that the language, USL, is used correctly to define a system.

Defined structure: (see structure)

DBTF (Development Before the Fact): a system planning, design and software development paradigm where each system is defined with properties that control its own design and development, in essence "performing" its own development. Such a system can be thought of as having built-in quality and built-in productivity. With this paradigm, an emphasis is placed on defining things right the first time. Problems are prevented before they happen. Each system definition not only models its application but it also models its own life cycle.

EMap (execution map): represents a performance pass (instantiation) of one or more FMaps.

FMap (Function Map): a map (both a control hierarchy and a network of interacting objects) that defines the functions (including timing and priority) in a system and the relationships between them—including the potential interactions or dynamics among objects in the system as they change state and transition from function to function.

Function: a mapping. A mapping is a relation where each input corresponds to one and only one output. One or more objects serve as the input and one or more objects serve as the output. This means that for every value of x, we expect to produce one and only one value for y, where x is the input, y is the output and f is the operation applied to x to produce y.

A 001 function also includes additional properties, including those relating to access rights and priorities in terms of a concept of control embodied in reliable structures. An abstract function can be defined in terms of more primitive function on an FMap.

Interface Error: an error of ambiguity—conflicts of timing, priority, and sharing of objects—within and between objects. Each instance of an inconsistency or of an incompleteness of logic is an interface error. With the 001 analyzer, interface errors to a fine-grained degree are detected.

Map: both a control hierarchy and a network of interacting objects (e.g., agents) based on set of axioms (See control map).

Nodal Family: a parent and its children on a map.

Object Thinking: a new and systematic way of thinking about systems and problem solving in terms of a concept of control.

OMap (Object Map): A 001 USL map of objects which is an instantiation of a TMap. A tree-like depiction of a TMap-based object’s state, degree of construction and values of contained primitives which occurs during the execution of an FMap.

OMap Editor: a 001 facility for viewing, creating and manipulating runtime TMap-based objects (OMaps). It can be used as a default input/output mechanism for OMaps, an OMap test case constructor, a user interface called from within an FMap or as a dynamic testing tool using in conjunction with a native debugger.

Primitive: describes the encapsulation of behavior and data behind a well defined interface, raising the level of abstraction of a system. It does not imply low level. New primitive types are defined and recursively reused in new DBTF systems. Primitive types are also used to define boundaries between one DBTF system and another DBTF system, and between a DBTF system and other existing systems (such as database managers or existing legacy systems). The use of primitive types to define boundaries between one system and another one is called layering.

Primitive Control Structures: all FMaps and TMaps are ultimately defined in terms of three primitive control structures derived from the axioms of DBTF: a parent controls its children to have a dependent relationship with a Join structure, an independent relationship with an Include, or a decisionmaking relationship with an Or.

Primitive Function: a function that cannot be further decomposed at the leaf node of an FMap (see primitive).

Primitive Type: a type that can not be further decomposed at the leaf node of a TMap

RAT (Resource Allocation Tool): a 001 tool component which automatically produces source code from an analyzed 001 USL specification.

Relation: A relation is a logical or natural connection or association between two or more objects. On a TMap type hierarchy relations link types to other types.

RMap (Road Map): used to organize and manage all of the components of the system including FMaps, TMaps, OMaps and other RMaps. An RMap defines the architecture of a system.

RT(x): the 001 requirements traceability manager.

Structure: a mechanism which relates members of a nodal family (a parent and its offspring objects) according to a set of rules which have been derived from the axioms of control. Structures relate functions on a functional map and types on TMap. A primitive structure provides a relationship of the most primitive form of control between objects. The primitive relationship between a set of objects is one where a parent object controls its offspring in a binary relationship of dependency, independency or one of making a decision. On an FMap, non-primitive structures are referred to as defined structures; on a TMap non-primitive structures are referred to as parameterized types. Defined structures are defined in terms of more primitive structures. On an FMap, a defined structure relates variable (or plug-in) functions. On a TMap a defined structure in the form of a parameterized type relates variable types. A parameterized type is a type where the set of values is a set of types having a common structure.

SOO (System Oriented Object): a system that is both object-oriented and function-oriented (which includes real-time dynamics) and lends itself to component based development. Its function-oriented definitions are inherently integrated with its object-oriented definitions.

System: an assemblage of objects which is united by some form of regular interaction or interdependence. It could consist of hardware, software or peopleware objects; or, it could be a combination of any of these. Thus, a person, an agent, a computer, a software program or the integration of these objects is a system.

TMap (Type Map): a static view of the structure of the objects in the system, describes the types of objects in a system and the relationships between them.

Type: A type is a particular set of objects. A type definition consists of a set of primitive operations and a set of rules known as axioms or constraints. Types are defined in terms of the primitive operations performed on members of that type. Axioms define the behavior of these members in terms of the relationships between the primitive operations. An abstract type can be defined on a TMap in terms of its relationships to lower level primitive types.

USL (Universal Systems Language): a formal systems language based on DBTF. USL is used for defining system oriented objects in all phases of the requirements, design and development life cycle.

Xecutor: 001's simulator component

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